Welcome to Travel with Cynthia.

Hi, I am Cynthia, from Malta. I am married to a handsome husband and together we love to travel the world and see what other countries offer. My husband and I are both adventurous. The country we live in Malta, is a tiny island in the middle of the Mediterranean which is roughly around 316 squared kilometers. Malta offers a lot of characteristic however it misses a lot of things, like mountains, waterfalls, canyons, rivers and lakes. We like to travel to see all these big things which our country unfortunately doesn't offer. We both carry very busy lives, with full time jobs in the IT industry and after work I am currently training hard for bowling tournaments . During the little extra time I have, I enjoy scheduling trips abroad and planning them. Planning trips can take a lot of your time and make you feel unsafe until you know what you will be doing and where you will be staying. During this blog I will be going through our trips around different countries. I will a...