Quaint, Characteristic, Charming.... Vignanello Italy

Vignanello, is a small town in Italy, in the province of Viterbo. It is situated an hour and a half away from Fiumicino airport in Rome. As soon as we arrived at Vignanello, the Ruspoli Castle was sitting there prominently overlooking the beautiful views that surround Vignanello.. We immediately felt the small town that Vignanello is, as we could see people calling each other by name while exiting shops or walking on the streets, all the time. Everyone knows everyone. Because of that, we were immediately spotted as the foreigners. That turned out to be a positive aspect, as everyone was ready to chat with us or help in what ever we needed. TIP: Since Vignanello is not a touristic place, locals aren't used to speaking English so communication might be an issue if you do not know Italian. Since we speak Italian we had no problem in communicating with others. Locals were actually very nice to us and helpful. We once needed some matches...